Ronald Cooper
Continuing Senior Lecturer

Office: 323 Hershey Hall
Phone: (310) 206-3201
I started my career as a Biochemist (B.Sc and Ph.D. from Bristol University, UK), working in two areas of metabolism (insulin secretory mechanisms, and regulation of the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase). After postdoctoral work at UC Davis (Dept of Biochemistry), I moved to the University of Pennsylvania (Dept of Biochemistry & Biophysics), where I carried out research on calcium signaling in liver metabolism, and received a Career Development Award from the Juvenile Diabetes Association. These studies continued at UC Davis (Dept of Human Physiology) and at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine (Dept of Pharmacology), where I mentored two Ph.D. students, both of whom went on to do postdoctoral work at NIH. After moving to UCLA in 1995 (Dept of Physiological Science), I focused on teaching, and setting up the Laboratory in Physiological Science (PS 111L class), which is a requirement for the major. Additionally I taught LS2 (Cells, Tissues & Organs class), and currently now teach 111L and LS7C (Physiology & Human Biology), as well as classes for UCLA Extension. I received a UCLA Distinguished Teaching Award in 2012, and Distinguished Instructor Award from UCLA Extension (2015). Overall, I believe my interdisciplinary research in cell signaling, spanning not only physiology, but also biochemistry and pharmacology, brings a broad perspective to my teaching role in the department.
B.S., Biochemistry, Bristol University 1969
Ph.D., Biochemistry, Bristol University 1974
Selected Publications
Cooper, R.H., Randle, P.J. and Denton, R.M. (1975): Stimulation of phosphorylation and inactivation of pyruvate dehydrogenase by physiological inhibitors of the pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction. Nature (London) 257:808-809.
Williamson, J.R. and Cooper, R.H. (1980): Regulation of the Citric Acid Cycle in Mammalian Systems. FEBS Lett. 117:K73-K85.
Williamson, J.R., Cooper, R.H., Joseph, S.K. and Thomas, A.P. (1985): Inositol trisphosphate and diacylglycerol as intracellular second messengers of hormone responses in liver. Am. J. Physiol. 248:C203-C216.
Abel, F.L., Cooper, R.H. and Beck, R.R. (1993): Use of fluorescent latex microspheres to measure regional coronary flow. Circulatory Shock 41: 156-161.
Beeler, J.F. and Cooper, R.H. (1995): Regulation of hepatocyte plasma membrane a1-ed adrenergic receptors by 4ß-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. Biochem. J. 305: 73-79.