Eric Deeds
Vice Chair, Life Sciences Core

Office: 570E Boyer Hall
Phone: (310) 825-1034
B.S., Biochemistry, Case Western Reserve University 2001
B.A., English, Case Western Reserve University 2001
A.M., Biology, Harvard University 2003
Ph.D., Biology, Harvard University 2005
Selected Publications
Vakser, I. A. and Deeds, E. J., “Computational Approaches to Macromolecular Interactions in the Cell”, Curr Opin Struct Biol, 55 : 59-65 (2019) .
Shockley, E. M., Rouzer, C. A., Marnett, L. J., Deeds, E. J. and Lopez, C. F., “Signal integration and information transfer in an allosterically regulated network”, npc Syst Biol Appl, 5 (1): 324-333 (2019) .
Suderman, R. and Deeds, E. J., “Intrinsic limits on information transfer in cellular signaling networks”, Interface Focus, 8 (6): 20180039- (2018) .
Nariya MK, Kim JH, Xiong J, Kleindl PA, Hewarathna A, Fisher AC, Joshi SB, Schneich C, Forrest ML, Middaugh CR, Volkin DB, Deeds EJ, “Comparative Characterization of Crofelemer Samples Using Data Mining and Machine Learning Approaches With Analytical Stability Data Sets”, Journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 106 (11): 3270-3279 (2017) .
Rowland MA, Greenbaum JM, Deeds EJ, “Crosstalk and the evolvability of intracellular communication”, Nature communications, 8 : 16009- (2017) .
Suderman R, Bachman JA, Smith A, Sorger PK, Deeds EJ, “Fundamental trade-offs between information flow in single cells and cellular populations”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114 (22): 5755-5760 (2017) .
Kleindl PA, Xiong J, Hewarathna A, Mozziconacci O, Nariya MK, Fisher AC, Deeds EJ, Joshi SB, Middaugh CR, Schneich C, Volkin DB, Forrest ML, “The Botanical Drug Substance Crofelemer as a Model System for Comparative Characterization of Complex Mixture Drugs”, Journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 106 (11): 3242-3256 (2017) .
Hewarathna A, Mozziconacci O, Nariya MK, Kleindl PA, Xiong J, Fisher AC, Joshi SB, Middaugh CR, Forrest ML, Volkin DB, Deeds EJ, Schneich C, “Chemical Stability of the Botanical Drug Substance Crofelemer: A Model System for Comparative Characterization of Complex Mixture Drugs”, Journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 106 (11): 3257-3269 (2017) .
Nariya MK, Israeli J, Shi JJ, Deeds EJ, “Mathematical Model for Length Control by the Timing of Substrate Switching in the Type III Secretion System”, PLoS computational biology, 12 (4): e1004851- (2016) .
Wani PS, Rowland MA, Ondracek A, Deeds EJ, Roelofs J, “Maturation of the proteasome core particle induces an affinity switch that controls regulatory particle association”, Nature communications, 6 (6384): (2015) .