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Scott Chandler

Scott Chandler


Office: 2024 TLSB
Phone: (310) 206-6636


I am married to my lovely wife Sonja for 35 years and have two wonderful daughters, Jennifer and Danielle. We love to travel, hike and photograph our journeys. I have a passion for photography and specialize in both landscape and sports genres. I regularly photograph sports events for the UCLA athletic department and have a number of prints on the Walls of UCLA buildings, such as Powell library and the Geology building.

Research Interests

My global interest is in how the central nervous system controls movement. Precisely how we produce coordinated, rhythmical movements such as locomotion, mastication, and respiration is a fundamental problem in neuroscience that is poorly understood. During injury or disease these basic types of movements, which we take for granted, can be compromised. My lab uses animal models to study how rhythmical jaw movements are produced. We use a combination of electrophysiological, molecular, pharmacological techniques in conjunction with computational modeling and bioinformatics to address basic questions about how single and small networks of neurons in the brainstem orchestrate coordinated activity in synapses and ion channels to produce unique discharge patterns that occur during rhythmical movements. We have found that localized groups of neurons within small areas of the brainstem are important for the basic rhythmic component of mastication and that specific ion channels are activated to produce the appropriate discharge patterns reminiscent of masticatory patterns. More recently, the lab has obtained transgenic mice that produce the majority of symptoms of the devastating disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), otherwise known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. We found that certain ion channels in both sensory and motor neurons are abnormally active prior to the onset of symptoms of the disease. Although these studies are in the early stages, they could provide insight into how the motoneuronal neurodegeneration that is responsible for paralysis and death occur, and will start to identify new molecular targets for development of rational drug therapies to delay motoneuronal degeneration and prolong the life of ALS patients.


B.S., Neurobiology, University of California, Berkeley
Ph.D., Physiology/Neurophysiology, University of California, Los Angeles 1979

Selected Publications

Liu W, Venugopal S, Majid S, Ahn IS, Diamante G, Hong J, Yang X, Chandler SH (2020) ‘Single-cell RNA-seq analysis of the brainstem of mutant SOD1 mice reveals perturbed cell types and pathways of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.’ Neurobiol Dis, In Press. PMID: 32360664

Seki S, Tanaka S, Yamada S, Tsuji T, Enomoto A, Ono Y, Chandler SH, Kogo M (2020) ‘Neuropeptide Y modulates membrane excitability in neonatal rat mesencephalic V neurons.’ J Neurosci Res, 98 (5): 921-935. PMID: 31957053

Venugopal S, Seki S, Terman DH, Pantazis A, Olcese R, Wiedau-Pazos M, Chandler SH (2019) ‘Resurgent Na+ Current Offers Noise Modulation in Bursting Neurons.’ PLoS Comput Biol, 15 (6): e1007154. PMID: 31226124

Salomon D., Martin-Harris., Mullen B., Odegaard B., ZvinyatskovskiyA., and Chandler S.H, “Brain Literate: Making Neuroscience Accessible to a Wider Audience of Undergraduates”, J. Undergraduate Neurosci. Educ, 13 : 1-9 (2015) .

Masoumi A., Low E., Shoghi T., Chan P., Hsiao CF., Chandler S.H., & Martina Wiedau-Pazos., “Enrichment of human embryonic stem cell derived motor neuron cultures using arabinofuranosyl cytidine”, Future Neurol, 10 : 91-99 (2015) .

Venugopal S., Hsiao CF., Sonoda T., Weidau-Pazos M.,and Chandler S.H., “Homeostatic dysregulation in membrane properties of masticatory motoneurons compared to oculomotor neurons in a mouse model for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis”, J. Neurosci, 35 : 707-720-720 (2015) .

Tsuruyama K, Hsiao CF, Chandler SH, “Participation of a persistent sodium current and calcium-activated nonspecific cationic current to burst generation in trigeminal principal sensory neurons”, J. Neurophysiology, 110 : 1903-1914 (2013) .

Hsiao CF, Kaur G, Vong A, Bawa H, Chandler SH, ” Participation of Kv1 channels in control of membrane excitability and burst generation in mesencephalic V neurons”, J. Neurophysiology, 101 : 1407-1418 (2009) .

Hsiao, C.F., Gougar, K., Asai, J. and Chandler, S.H, ” Intrinsic membrane properties and morphological characteristics of interneurons in the rat supratrigeminal region”, J.Neurosci. Res, 85 : 3673-3686 (2007) .

Enomoto, A., Han, J.M., Hsiao, C.F., Wu, N. and Chandler, S.H., “Participation of sodium currents in burst generation and control of membrane excitability in mesencephalic trigeminal neurons”, J Neurosci, 26 : 3412-3422 (2006) .